Preparation and evaluation of your company financial analysis (in chart, graphic and verbal format) using the indicators of financial standing, cost-effectiveness, liquidity, activities, turnover and company indebtedness.
Evaluation of your company financing structure and proposition of more optimal solutions (loans, leasing, EU funding …).
Assessment of your current situation – company´s strengths and weaknesses examination (SWOT analysis).
Company business comparision with competing businesses in the same industry (through the medium values of the financial indicators under OKEČ classification).
Business plan preparation of your company (in chart, graphic and verbal format).
Proposal of a corporate controlling in order to monitor the progress of parameters and values of different areas in your company as well as to define abberance and suggest solutions for achieving the values (sales, added value, profit, cost-effectiveness, liquidity, …).
Audit of your company existing insurance agreements and individual forms of assets, suggestion of more optimal insurance forms according to your requirements.
Bank loans advice and other banking available products.
Audit of existing loan agreements and suggestion of obtaining more advantageous conditions.
Complete processing of application forms and documents for bank loans, bank guarantees and other products from various banks.
Assistance and advice while negotiating with banks about loans in the presence of your company and FMF representative.
Processing of necessary documents for obtaining NFP funds from various European funds – especially development of the business plan, the project description, financial analysis, monitoring reports during and after project implementation.
Proposal of optimal structure funding from European funds – with the assistance of obtaining a favorable loan terms from various banks and processing of bank documents.
The above services and activities are based on my economic education (I graduated and finished my doctoral studies at the University of Economics), I have 10 year experience in the loan and banking industry in several banks and as a financial director in the private sector.
Ing. Marián FEKIAČ PhD.
managing director
FMF Consulting, s.r.o.
Družstevná 712/2
962 12 Detva
Tel.: +421 908 961 289